Meta | Winner Presence Platform Hackathon

I attended the Presence Platform Hackathon 2023 at the Meta HQ in London, 🏆AND WE WON FIRST PRIZE!!!🏆

Alongside 75 of the best developers in the world, our team, The Essence of Presence took home the first prize.
In the video below you can see the mixed reality Digital Fashion application we created together with my team members Marcus Benisty, Roland Smeenk, Cristopher David and Vedran Škarica.

We created an intuitive digital fashion wardrobe.

Our team the essence of presence wanted to create a new and intuitive way of dressing yourself in the digital world.
We wanted to create something that was a lot more intuitive. Outfits that you will be able to go back to later on, and something that has a beautiful visual representation that isn't just a simple menu.

That's why we created the digital wardrobe. We created three looks as an example, but we would love to expand these options to facilitate many many more looks. The demo video below explains how it works.


Dior Beauty | Forever Concealer


Code Couture at Metaverse Fashion Week by MadGlobal