Audience Favourite | Snapchat Lensathon Winners

I was invited to the Snapchat Lensathon in Los Angeles in November 2023. It was a beyond wonderful experience where I made a lot of new friends and discovered many new functionalities within the Lens Studio ecosystem. We finally ended up winning the Audience Favorite prize during LensFest 2023.

This recognition was a significant highlight for me, affirming the impact of our work and the connection it made with the audience.

"What if you could summon the wisdom of the ages to your living room? Imagine a world where the barriers between the past and present blur, allowing you to gain insights from those who shaped humanity. 

Welcome to the conversation of a lifetime with 'WisePals'."

Click here to read more about the Snapchat Lensathon!


Quest Cover January 2024


MOMA | The Dance (II) | Henri Matisse